I am creating a hot chocolate service as a gateway for merging data from multiple rest endpoints. But I am having a hard time finding any resources that explain how to resolve guids to objects from other endpoints.
For example one service has a db with the products and another service has a db with the reviews.
How do I setup hot chocolate so that this query can be executed?
query {
product(id: $id) {
review {
What you had to do is create an ObjectType
to resolve the collection. Something along the lines of...
using HotChocolate.Types;
public class ProductResolvers: ObjectType<Product>
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Models.Product> descriptor)
descriptor.Field(fld => fld.Reviews)
.Resolve(async (context, ct) =>
var prodID = context.Parent<Models.Product>().Id);
var ProductReviews= await SomeMethodToGetReviews(prodID);
return ProductReviews;
Once you have the resolver, you will need to register it in your Startup
.AddQueryType(q => q.Name("Query"))
.AddType<ProductResolvers>() // <=== Register your product resolver class here
The great thing with Hot Chocolate is that if you do not specify the Reviews
in the request, then the Review service will not even be called. Very efficient...