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Log REST-requests to file with unique request-id

Lets say I have a simple REST-API written in .net 6 which logs to a log-file on the lokal disk. During the processing of the request, multiple log-entries are generated. For example, let's say we have a controller, which calls a service, which calls a repository which stores the passed data in the database:

public class FooController {
    public Foo CreateFoo(FooDto fooDto) {
        _logger.Debug("Some logging in the controller");
        var foo = _mapper.Map<IFoo>(fooDto);
public class FooService {
    public void CreateFoo(IFoo foo) {
        _logger.Debug("Some logging in the service");
public class FooRepository {
    public void CreateFoo(IFoo foo) {
        _logger.Debug("Some logging in the repository");

If there are multiple requests to process in parallel, reading the log-files will be a challenge. Some kind of unique id per request would help to keep the requests apart when reading the log-file.

Something like this for example:

2023-08-07 08:40:06.3280 DEBUG REQUEST-ID FooController Some logging in the controller
2023-08-07 08:40:06.3281 DEBUG REQUEST-ID FooService    Some logging in the service
2023-08-07 08:40:06.3282 DEBUG REQUEST-ID FooRepository Some logging in the repository

Is there a build-in way (or even 3rd-party Nugets) to archieve this? I have found solutions that log the thread id, but that I would prefer some kind of GUID or random string as the thread id could be reused after the thread has been stopped.


  • I finally got it working by using a middleware and a custom serilog enricher.

    The middleware creates a new trace-ID and puts it into the response headers:

    public class TraceIdMiddleware
        private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
        public TraceIdMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
            _next = next;
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
            context.TraceIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string id = context.TraceIdentifier;
            context.Response.Headers["X-Trace-Id"] = id;
            await _next(context);

    The log enricher reads this trace-ID and sets the TraceIdentifier property:

    public class TraceIdentifierEnricher : ILogEventEnricher
        private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
        public const string TraceIdentifierPropertyName = "TraceIdentifier";
        public TraceIdentifierEnricher(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
            _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
        public void Enrich(LogEvent logEvent, ILogEventPropertyFactory propertyFactory)
            var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
            if (httpContext is null)
            var property = propertyFactory.CreateProperty(TraceIdentifierPropertyName, httpContext.TraceIdentifier, false);

    Finally, the enricher and the middleware have to be registered in the Program.cs:

    builder.Host.UseSerilog((ctx, serviceProvider, cfg) => {
        var enricher = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TraceIdentifierEnricher>();

    This results in the following:

    [10:25:45 DBG] [1e142e1b-fa5d-4a07-a8b2-2f09efaa8f43] Some logging in the controller
    [10:25:46 DBG] [1e142e1b-fa5d-4a07-a8b2-2f09efaa8f43] Some logging in the service
    [10:25:46 DBG] [1e142e1b-fa5d-4a07-a8b2-2f09efaa8f43] Some logging in the repository

    Here, 1e142e1b-fa5d-4a07-a8b2-2f09efaa8f43 is the randomly generated trace-ID.