Provided different ranges, select each value with equal probability. Like say var 'a' can have values among { [10,20],40,[70,100]...} (given) . Each selected value by provided constraints should have same probability. How to get a random value in C?
Giving each Range equal probabilistic chance:
be the number of ranges you've defined in your problem-set. Ranges { R0, R1, R2 ... RN-1 }, Indexes start at 0
.RandValue mod N
to pick a range. In C
, modulo operator is %
, gives you integral remainder.Giving each value in all ranges equal probabilistic chance:
be the number of values across all ranges.value
to an index
, Values { V0, V1, V2 ... VN-1 }, Indexes start at 0
.RandValue mod N
to pick a value-index.Also, note that hash-table could become huge if the ranges are too large. In that case you may have to merge overlapping/consecutive (if any) ranges and maintain sorted(by value-index) list(array of structs) of ranges and assign index-ranges. Use binary search to find the range against random-index. Range offsets (start/end values & indexes) should give the final value for a given random-index.
PS: This is for trivial implementations of randomness in C
projects. I believe all randomness is deterministic.
Edit: I agree, there is modulo-bias
& to reject values beyond (RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % N)