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Facelets: need only an <ui:define> tag of a page

Okay, to include a page in another page I need <ui:include src="pageName"/> tag. But if i want to include only a portion of a page?

Let me explain: I have a template that has the tag <ui:insert name="body"/> and other <ui:insert.../> tags. A page, List.xhtml, uses this template and, of course, fills up ALL the template tags. Now, in another page, named Create.xhtml (that uses the same template), at a certain point, i want to put ONLY the body tag content of List.xhtml, not other tags. Is it possible?

Thank you for you answers.


  • Another way:


    <ui:insert name="body"/>


    <ui:composition xmlns=....... template="/template.xhtml">
         <ui:define name="body">
              <ui:include src="ListContent.xhtml"/>


    <ui:component xmlns....>
         Content I can reuse in other pages different by List.xhtml 
         (without see List.xhtml entire content, which is the scope of this question),
         simply writing "<ui:include src="ListContent.xhtml"/>" in the target page code.

    Hope can help someone.