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Prometheus: Scrape logs from horizontal scaled microservices

I want to use prometheus to scrape metrics from my distributed web service. I have four kind of services setup with docker-compose or kubernetes.

Flask: 5000 Redis-Queue: 6379 Prometheus Workers: Horizontally scaled based on system load. They get their working instructions over the redis Queue.

It is strait forward how to scrape metrics from Flask. However, what is best-practise to get the metrics from the Workers? I cannot bind a port to them, because, I do not know, how many of them exist.

I was thinking about using a prometheus pushgateway. However, as I found out, this is not recommended.


  • the answer depends whether your workers lifetime is long or short

    if a worker lives to execute a single task and then quits push gateway is the correct way to send metrics from the worker to Prometheus.

    if a worker lives for at least two Prometheus scrape periods (which is configurable) you can definitely open a port on the worker and have Prometheus scrape metrics from a dedicated endpoint.

    Prometheus's default scrape configuration comes with a scrape job that will scrape any pod with the following annotation: true

    it also derives the scrape endpoint from the following annotations on the pod http /metrics 3000

    so you can easily annotate worker pods with the above annotations to direct Prometheus to scrape metrics from them