I am a beginner in OWL API and am learning how to parse functional syntax. So far I have been unable to do it, and cannot figure out where I am going wrong. For example, consider a short and simple OWL file having the following(just a random example) -
EquivalentClasses(:TestPizza ObjectIntersectionOf(DataMinCardinality(20 :hasToppingValue xsd:double) :Pizza))
The problem is I can't even create an OWLFunctionalSyntaxParser variable since it is showing undefined( I am using the latest version - 5.1.18).
Could anyone help by providing a code example on how to parse it?
I would write a function
string showinfo(size_t i) {
string info = taxPayers[i].taxpayerId + " " + taxPayers[i].name + " " +
taxPayers[i].address + " " + taxPayers[i].postcode;
return info;
and call that with
for (int i = 0; i < taxPayers.taxPayers.size(); i++)
cout << "[" << i << "] - " << taxPayers.showinfo(i) << endl;