I was wondering if there was a way to close a taskpane programmatically in an outlook web add-in.
I followed this link : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/develop/show-hide-add-in
But Office.addin.hide()
and Office.addin.showAsTaskpane()
are not working.
Can someone help me?
Use the Office.context.ui.closeContainer() which closes the UI container where the JavaScript is executing.
The behavior of this method is specified by the following:
Called from a UI-less command button: No effect. Any dialog opened by displayDialogAsync
will remain open.
Called from a task pane: The task pane will close. Any dialog opened by displayDialogAsync
will also close. If the task pane supports pinning and was pinned by the user, it will be un-pinned.