if (message.body.indexOf('/yt') != -1) {
const url = message.body.replace('/yt ', '')
await ytdl(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('video.mp4'))
// the code below does not wait for the download to finish
const media = MessageMedia.fromFilePath('./video.mp4')
client.sendMessage(message.from, media, { sendMediaAsDocument: true })
I want that ytdl-core finish the download before run the remain code.
When the download process is done, it will trigger close
event. You can listen to the close
event. But, you have to wrap it into a Promise, then just await
on the promise.
if (message.body.indexOf('/yt') != -1) {
const url = message.body.replace('/yt ', '')
await new Promise((resolve) => { // wait
.on('close', () => {
resolve(); // finish
// the code below does not wait for the download to finish
const media = MessageMedia.fromFilePath('./video.mp4')
client.sendMessage(message.from, media, { sendMediaAsDocument: true })