Search code examples

How can I make the ytdl-core download complete before continuing with the code

if (message.body.indexOf('/yt') != -1) {
      const url = message.body.replace('/yt ', '')

      await ytdl(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('video.mp4'))
      // the code below does not wait for the download to finish
      const media = MessageMedia.fromFilePath('./video.mp4')
      client.sendMessage(message.from, media, { sendMediaAsDocument: true })

I want that ytdl-core finish the download before run the remain code.


  • When the download process is done, it will trigger close event. You can listen to the close event. But, you have to wrap it into a Promise, then just await on the promise.

    if (message.body.indexOf('/yt') != -1) {
      const url = message.body.replace('/yt ', '')
      await new Promise((resolve) => { // wait
        .on('close', () => {
          resolve(); // finish
      // the code below does not wait for the download to finish
      const media = MessageMedia.fromFilePath('./video.mp4')
      client.sendMessage(message.from, media, { sendMediaAsDocument: true })