I am following Domain Driven Design and Clean/ Hexagonal architecture in my Java microservice. I have domain events declared in my aggregate root class as non-static nested classes. My question is whether these classes should be static nested classes or non-static nested classes(inner classes)?
I used non-static nested classes but IntelliJ IDEA suggests to make them static. According to the Hardcore Java book by Robert Simmons,
an inner class is instance-scoped and a static nested class is class-scoped.
As I understood in the Domain Driven Design, without an aggregate instance, it doesn't make any sense to have domain events instances. This is the reason why I chose to go with non-static nested classes. Can someone explain this? Thanks.
The main difference between nested classes types
- non-static nested class has full access to the members and methods of the class within which it is nested. It has reference to the outer class instance.
- static nested class does not have a reference to a nesting instance, so a static nested class cannot invoke non-static methods or access non-static fields of an instance of the class within which it is nested.
So if we will define Domain Event
as a non-static nested class it will have full access to the instance of Aggregate
. This violates the main Domain Event
Domain Event
must be immutable, attaching the whole Aggregate
state violates immutability. It should not have the whole state of the concept, only the copy of contextual information that might be useful for someone who subscribes to this event.
Domain Event doesn't have business logic
Besides Aggregate
can encapsulate business constraints. If Domain Event
has an instance of aggregate, it has access to the business logic.
As result, we need to use only static nested class.
Please note Domain Events
may be consumed by the local, and foreign, Bounded Contexts, but Aggregate
is limited by one context. In this case, better move Domain Events
to a separate class. There may be exclusions
Bounded contexts sharing a same aggregate