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How to Install ObjectAid in 2022?

ObjectAid was a very useful Eclipse plug-in which generates class diagram from your source code.

Unfortunately it looks like it is discontinued in March 2022 or at least its website is not working.

Can anyone tell me from where to download and install it?

enter image description here


  • I've been able to install an old version of ObjectAid. Here is what I did:

    1. I downloaded from ObjectAid on 2019-Jan-13

    ObjecAid download page on

    1. ...OpenJDK 7
    2. ...and Eclipse Juno 4.2.2
    3. An Eclipse plug-in called Draw2D was also needed.
    4. Then I installed only ObjecdAid Class Diagram for which license is not required.

    Installing old version of ObjecAid


    You can also download version 1.2.4 which works with Java 17 and Eclipse 2022-03 (4.23.0) but then you must follow the instructions from this answer to be able to run it.