I want to allow any one of these two return type (ApiResponse || ErrorResponse). But Return Type should not be a object or Any.
fun getAllUser() : Any? {
val flag = true
return if(flag){
} else {
With return type (Any), Not able to write an extension function to do specific action with with two different return type. I want t specify Two responses.
In My case, I want to write different Extension function for ApiResponse & ErrorResponse class.
Is it possible to return either ErrorResponse or ApiResponse in a same function?
Create a sealed interface that both of your classes implement:
sealed interface Response<out T>
data class ApiResponse<T>(val data: T): Response<T>
data class ErrorResponse(val errorCode: Int): Response<Nothing>
fun getAllUser() : Response<Boolean> {
val flag = true
return if(flag){
} else {
Then you can write extension functions that handle either type:
fun Response<Boolean>.foo() {
when (this) {
is ApiResponse<Boolean> -> { TODO() }
is ErrorResponse -> { TODO() }
Inside the branches of this when statement, the input will be smart cast to the appropriate type.