I copy and pasted Unity Netcode's example code from https://docs-multiplayer.unity3d.com/docs/advanced-topics/message-system/clientrpc to test it out. This is my exact code:
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
public TMP_Text text;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
PongClientRpc(Time.frameCount, "hello, world"); // Server -> Client
void PongClientRpc(int somenumber, string sometext)
text.text = $"{somenumber} : {sometext}";
What I've found is that the function just acts as a normal function whether it's called on the host application or client application, and it is never transmitted across the network. My expectation is that when it is called on the host application, the RPC would be transmitted to the client application and executed there as well, thus reflecting a change in the TMP_Text object, but clearly this is not the case.
Just to check all the boxes, this script is attached to a GameObject
that also has a NetworkObject
component. For good measure, I tested the TMP_Text
object both with and without a NetworkObject
component attached. In all cases, any object with a NetworkObject
component was properly added to the NetworkManager
's network prefabs list.
I'm starting to question if I even understand what an RPC is or how it's supposed to work. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
This class needs to be derived from NetworkBehavior
not MonoBehaviour
else it won't be networked.
Make sure to add using Unity.Netcode;
at the top of the class.