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R reshape tall to wide with many to many relationship table

I have a table with parent and his or her child's info(name, grade, age). One child can have multiple parents and one parents can have multiple children. I want to reshape the table so each row will be an unique parent with all his or her children's information labeled as .1, ,2 etc.

Original Table:

ParentID ChildN ChildGrade ChildAge HouseholdID
1 x 10 21 a
2 x 10 21 a
3 z 12 23 b
1 y 13 24 a
2 y 13 24 a
3 t 15 26 b
4 g 16 27 c


ParentID ChildN.1 ChildGrade.1 ChildAge.1 ChildN.2 ChildGrade.2 ChildAge.2 HouseholdID
1 x 10 21 y 13 24 a
2 x 10 21 y 13 24 a
3 z 12 23 t 15 26 b
4 g 16 27 NA NA NA c

I want to know how to achieve this in R. Thanks a lot.


  • You could achieve your desired result using tidyr::pivot_wider by first adding an id column for the children:

    df |> 
      group_by(ParentID) |> 
      mutate(child_id = row_number()) |> 
      pivot_wider(values_from = c("ChildN", "ChildGrade",   "ChildAge"), names_from = "child_id",
                  names_glue = "{.value}.{child_id}")
    #> # A tibble: 4 × 8
    #> # Groups:   ParentID [4]
    #>   ParentID HouseholdID ChildN.1 ChildN.2 ChildGrade.1 ChildGrade.2 ChildAge.1
    #>      <int> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>           <int>        <int>      <int>
    #> 1        1 a           x        y                  10           13         21
    #> 2        2 a           x        y                  10           13         21
    #> 3        3 b           z        t                  12           15         23
    #> 4        4 c           g        <NA>               16           NA         27
    #> # … with 1 more variable: ChildAge.2 <int>