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How can I pretty print keys and values of a JavaScript object on web page

I have a JavaScript object that contains terms and definitions. I want to create a function that displays/prints the key, value pairs on a webpage.

For example:

let dict = {
    term1: "definition",
    term2: "definition",
    term3: "definition",
    term4: "definition"

Ideal output:

term1: definition

term2: definition

term3: definition

term4: definition

I am currently using this code:

function viewAll()
var json = JSON.stringify(dict,null,3);
document.getElementById("output").innerText = json;

which outputs:

term1: "definition",
term2: "definition",
term3: "definition",
term4: "definition"

This is okay, but I'd like to remove the special characters ({",)


  • Us Object.entries and map to format the data how you want to display it.

    let dict = {
        term1: "definition 1",
        term2: "definition 2",
        term3: "definition 3",
        term4: "definition 4"
    const str = Object.entries(dict).map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`).join("<br/>");
    document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = str;
    <div id="out"></div>

    Seems like you really want a definition list

    let dict = {
      term1: "definition 1",
      term2: "definition 2",
      term3: "definition 3",
      term4: "definition 4"
    const str = Object.entries(dict).map(([key, value]) => `<dt>${key}</dt><dd>${value}</dd>`).join('');
    document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = str;
    dt::after {
      content: ":"
    dt {
      display: inline-block;
    dd {
      display: inline;
    dd:after {
      content: '';
      display: block;
    <dl id="out"></dl>