I am trying to get into more complex Linq queries and right away catch a point I am feeling stuck. I have a following list in DB:
1 12 TRUE
2 54 TRUE
3 32 FALSE
Where ELAPSED TIME is TimeSpan and APPISRUNNING is a bool.
I would like to build a chart based on these values (https://github.com/beto-rodriguez/LiveCharts2). Chart build fine with this:
Title = "Analytics";
this.ActivityChartSeries = new ISeries[]
new PieSeries<double> { Values = new double[] { 2 }},
new PieSeries<double> { Values = new double[] { 2 }},
new PieSeries<double> { Values = new double[] { 2 }},
new PieSeries<double> { Values = new double[] { 2 }},
new PieSeries<double> { Values = new double[] { 2 }},
Now I somehow need to first GroupBy bool and then select a new List? I have tried following:
IEnumerable<DataRecord> dataRecords = await this.DataStore.GetItemsAsync();
this.ActivityChartSeries = dataRecords
.GroupBy(g => g.AppIsRunning)
.Select(m => new
Values = m.Select(r => r.EngineElapsed.Ticks),
Name = m.Select(r => r.Name),
.Select(x =>
new PieSeries<double>
Values = new List<double> { x.Values.FirstOrDefault() },
Name = x.Name.FirstOrDefault(),
Type of assigned variable:
public IEnumerable<ISeries> ActivityChartSeries
This part is totally unclear for me:
Values = m.Select(r => r.EngineElapsed.Ticks),
Name = m.Select(r => r.Name),
How after GroupBy I can create two types of data? Basically I need
Code provided by Somar Zein compiles fine:
var results = activityChartSeries
.GroupBy(a=> a.AppIsRunning)
.Select(item=> new PieSeries<double>{
Name = item.Key ? "Application is Running" : "Application is not Running",
Values = item.Select(x=> Convert.ToDouble(x.ElapsedTime.Ticks)).ToList()
However as a result I am getting something like this, why it is reloading in a loop?
Here is result: enter image description here
So I have created an example for testing purposes:
public class DataModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ElapsedTime { get; set; }
public bool AppIsRunning { get; set; }
List<DataModel> records = new List<DataModel>();
records.Add(new DataModel { Id = 1, ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(1, 20, 30), AppIsRunning = true });
records.Add(new DataModel { Id = 2, ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(1, 20, 30), AppIsRunning = true });
records.Add(new DataModel { Id = 3, ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(1, 20, 30), AppIsRunning = true });
records.Add(new DataModel { Id = 4, ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(1, 20, 30), AppIsRunning = true });
records.Add(new DataModel { Id = 5, ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(1, 20, 30), AppIsRunning = true });
this.ActivityChartSeries = records
.GroupBy(g => g.AppIsRunning)
.Select(item => new PieSeries<double>
Name = item.Key ? "Running" : "Not Running",
Values = new double[] { 2, 4 },
I get the same reloading effect, even thou originally provided Example from LiveCharts work fine.
you could try doing something like following:
var results = activityChartSeries
.GroupBy(a=> a.AppIsRunning)
.Select(item=> new PieSeries<double>{
Name = item.Key ? "Application is Running" : "Application is not Running",
Values = item.Select(x=> Convert.ToDouble(x.ElapsedTime.Ticks)).ToList()
hope that could be helpful!