I am currently dealing with the topics Consumer and Supplier and have the following question. Can the return value for Supplier be incremental?
The following contrived example: I have a simple class Person with id and name. If I need for example for test purposes 10 persons, I want to generate them easily with sequential ids. How can I increment the id when getting it from supplier?
class Person {
long id;
String name;
To do something like this is my idea:
Supplier<Long> ids = ()-> 1L;
Supplier<String> names = ()-> UUID.randomUUID().toString();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Person p = new Person(ids.get(), names.get());
Or is the construct Supplier not intended for such a use case?
Sure. You don't have to use a lambda.
new Supplier<Long>() {
long x = 0;
@Override public Long get() {
return x++;