HI I'm trying to create Outlook e-mail from Java I'm working with Windows 10 and Outlook 365 desktop version I'm able to do it with AposeEmail https://docs.aspose.com/email/#asposeemail-for-java and with jotlmsg https://github.com/ctabin/jotlmsg But there are limitations. Apose E-mial is not free. Only evaluation version is free. Jotlmsg doesn't support html e-mails. There’s also another possibility to use methods from dynamic libraries. There is library Jacob for this Jacob Outlook example
However I don't know how to find way to do it in Jacob. Examples which I found on Stackoverflow or in other places doesn't work.
I have following VBA code which works. Any idea how to do the same / similar thing in Jacob? Alternative solution. Do you know free JAVA library which supports .msg e-mail with HTML format?
Public Sub CreateEmail()
Dim objMsg As MailItem
Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMsg
.To = Alias@domain.com
.CC = Alias2@domain.com
.BCC = Alias3@domain.com
.Subject = "This is the subject"
.Categories = "Test"
.VotingOptions = "Yes;No;Maybe;"
.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain ' send plain text message
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Sensitivity = olConfidential
.Attachments.Add ("path-to-file.docx")
' Calculate a date using DateAdd or enter an explicit date
.ExpiryTime = DateAdd("m", 6, Now) '6 months from now
.DeferredDeliveryTime = #8/1/2012 6:00:00 PM#
End With
Set objMsg = Nothing
End Sub
I tried AposeE-mail and Jotlmsg but they don't satisfy fully my needs.
I have found example
Jacob Outlook Sample
and modified:
* JACOB Outlook sample contributed by
* Christopher Brind <christopher.brind@morse.com>
* Modified by PawDob https://stackoverflow.com/users/16168586/pawdob
import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
* sample class to show simple outlook manipulation
public class JacobOutlookEmail {
private ActiveXComponent ol;
private Dispatch oOutlook;
private Object email[] = new Object[1];
* standard run loop
* @param asArgs command line arguments
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String asArgs[]) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Outlook: IN");
JacobOutlookEmail jacobOutlook = new JacobOutlookEmail();
ActiveXComponent axOutlook = new ActiveXComponent("Outlook.Application");
try {
System.out.println("version=" + axOutlook.getProperty("Version"));
jacobOutlook.oOutlook = axOutlook.getObject();
System.out.println("version=" + Dispatch.get(jacobOutlook.oOutlook, "Version"));
Dispatch oNameSpace = axOutlook.getProperty("Session").toDispatch();
System.out.println("oNameSpace=" + oNameSpace);
String emailBody = "<HTML><BODY><p><b>Bold text</b></p>" +
"<p><i>Italic text</i></p>" +
"<p>Normal text</p>" +
String emailSubject = "Email demo using Jacob";
String recipientTo = "Alias@domain.com";
String recipientCC = "Alias2@domain.com";
String recipientBCC = "Alias3@domain.com";
String[] attachments = new String[]{"D:\\temp.txt"};
jacobOutlook.createEmail(emailSubject, recipientTo, recipientCC, recipientBCC, emailBody, attachments);
} finally {
// Uncomment if you want close outlook after job is done
// axOutlook.invoke("Quit", new Variant[]{});
public void createEmail(String subject, String recipientTo, String recipientCC, String recipientBCC, String body, String[] attachments) {
Dispatch mail = Dispatch.call(oOutlook, "CreateItem", email).toDispatch();
Dispatch.put(mail, "Subject", subject);
Dispatch.put(mail, "To", recipientTo);
Dispatch.put(mail, "CC", recipientCC);
Dispatch.put(mail, "BCC", recipientBCC);
// Use if sample text is used
// Dispatch.put(mail, "Body", body);
Dispatch.put(mail, "HTMLBody", body);
if (attachments.length > 0) {
Dispatch attachs = Dispatch.get(mail, "Attachments").toDispatch();
for (Object attachment : attachments) {
Dispatch.call(attachs, "Add", attachment);
// Save on D drive
Dispatch.call(mail, "SaveAs","D:\\JacobEmail.msg");
// Display in outlook
Dispatch.call(mail, "Display");
And finally it is working
Sometimes you have ask to find solution yourself :-)