I'd like to be able to access the Arguments& args
of a callback. Right now when I set the C++ function to be called from the JavaScript side it looks like this:
global->Set(String::New("login"), FunctionTemplate::New(Login));
And the prototype of the C++ function is:
Handle<Value> MyClass::Login(const Arguments& args)
How do I access this Arguments& args
so that I can pass in a variable when the callback occurs? Thanks for the help.
will return the number of arguments passed from JavaScript. The v8::Arguments&
variable is accessed using an array subscript.
for (int32_t index = 0; index < arguments->Length(); ++index) {
if (arguments[index]->IsString()) {
::printf("%s\n", *v8::String::Utf8Value(arguments[index]->ToString()));
You will find an online version of the v8::Arguments
documentation at http://izs.me/v8-docs/classv8_1_1Arguments.html, however I make no guarantees that it is current or will remain online.
Running the following command from the top of the V8 source tree will generate the documentation locally using doxygen.
$ cd include && doxygen -g && doxygen
If doxygen executes successfully you can access the documentation in include/html/index.html