antd input bar code It occurred while using input bar in antd. What's the reason?
TypeScript error in /tmp/build_1442ffe6/node_modules/antd/lib/input/Input.d.ts(16,11): Type expected. TS1110
14 | status?: InputStatus;
15 | bordered?: boolean;
> 16 | [key: `data-${string}`]: string;
| ^
17 | }
18 | declare const Input: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<InputProps & React.RefAttributes<InputRef>>;
19 | export default Input;
I had this problem exactly yesterday, it was solved only by upgrading the typescript
version to upper than 4.4, in my use case I used:
yarn add typescript@latest
P.S: I encountered a lot of typing issues while type compiling(build time), I solved them and after that, I could build successfully.