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Is there a better way to write Head and Tail without using fun?

f6(List) ->
          [Head2 | Tail2 ] <- [List],

Hello there I have been trying to figure out the way to use Head and Tail without using fun and for the shell we can just assign the head and tail as [H|T] = A. But for the editor I have absolutely no idea as i am just learning. any help will be appreciated. I just need to know how a simple adding the number in a list with H & T looks like.

Sample Input : [1,2,3] or any three numbers and the output will be something like 6 the total number. I'm stuck where I can just assign a list to head and tail.

Pardon for the wrong format if any and Thanks in advance.


  • I have been trying to figure out the way to use Head and Tail without using fun and for the shell we can just assign the head and tail as [H|T] = A. But for the editor I have absolutely no idea...

    In the shell:

    ~/erlang_programs$ erl
    Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.0.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]
    Eshell V12.0.2  (abort with ^G)
    1> List = [dog, 20, 30].
    2> [H|T] = List.
    3> io:format("Head = ~w~n", [H]).
    Head = dog
    4> io:format("Tail = ~w~n", [T]).
    Tail = [20,30]

    Here's an idea:

    f1(List) ->   %% or you could write it as f([H|T]) -> 
        [H|T] = List,
        io:format("Head = ~w~n", [H]),
        io:format("Tail = ~w~n", [T]).

    Using the module in the shell:

    ~/erlang_programs$ erl
    Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.0.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]
    Eshell V12.0.2  (abort with ^G)
    1> c(a).
    2> List = [dog, 20, 30].
    3> a:f1(List).
    Head = dog
    Tail = [20,30]

    Pretty much identical.

    I just need to know how a simple adding the number in a list with H & T looks like.

    Here's the trick you need:

    sum_it(List) ->
        StartTotal = 0,
        sum_it(List, StartTotal).
    sum_it([H|T], Total) -> 
        CurrentTotal = Total + H,
        sum_it(T, CurrentTotal);
    sum_it([], Total) ->

    You define a function sum_it/1 that does nothing but accept the argument, then calls another function to do the work: sum_it/2. Defining a second function, which can have the same name (because it has a different number of arguments) or a different name, allows you to pass an extra argument for the accumulator. Because erlang doesn't have global variables to store the results in, you can add an accumulator variable to the function parameter variables to store the results in.

    In the case of the sum_it/2 function definition, you have the function parameter variable [H|T] to match a list, which contains the numbers you want to sum, and you add the accumulator variable Total to store the results.