I am trying in vain to get the name of a TextBox in MS Excel using pywin32, I have tried recording a macro and I get the following tips, but I cannot translate them from VBA to python. In the sample below I select the Textbox and rename it, all I want is to be able to refer to them by name and I figure this gets me close.
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("TextBox 2")).Select
Selection.ShapeRange.Name = "TextBox 3"
This is what I have in python so far to this end.
import win32com.client as win32
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\\users\\khillstr\\Testing\\Scripts\\Book1.xlsx")
excel.Visible = True
ws = wb.Worksheets
for w in ws:
print w.Name
canvas = w.Shapes
for shp in canvas:
if shp.TextFrame.Characters:
print shp.TextFrame2.TextRange
for shp in canvas:
print shp.name
Name is a read/write property for textbox shapes. You can get and set the name using that property. Tested in Excel 2010.