Is there a functional way to write a change reporter for two optional variables?
The code is meant to detect value changes when moving from the value in Optional A to the value in Optional B with one quirk, that if Optional B is empty then we report a default value.
I want the following behavior:
| Optional A | Optional B | Result |
| empty | empty | empty |
| empty | y | y |
| x | empty | default |
| x | y | y |
| x | x | empty |
I have a solution that looks like It should be simpler:
public Optional<String> reportChange(Optional<String> aOpt, Optional<String> bOpt) {
if(aOpt.isPresent() && bOpt.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.of(DEFAULT_VALUE);
} else if (bOpt.isEmpty()){
return Optional.empty();
return bOpt.flatMap(b -> {
if (aOpt.isEmpty() || b.compareToIgnoreCase(aOpt.orElseThrow()) != 0) {
return Optional.of(b);
return Optional.empty();
What is the functional-programming way to write this?
Your code can be simplified to a simple conditional expression:
public Optional<String> reportChange(Optional<String> aOpt, Optional<String> bOpt) {
return aOpt.equals(bOpt)
? Optional.empty()
: Optional.of(bOpt.orElse(DEFAULT_VALUE));