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JSP tags + scriptlet. How to enable scriptlet?

I have a page which uses a tag template. My web.xml is very basic.

I simply want to run some code in the page.
And no, I'm not interested in tags or other alternative. I want to use the bad-practice scriptlet haha.

So far I'm getting this "HTTP ERROR 500" error:

Scripting elements ( %!, jsp:declaration, %=, jsp:expression, %, jsp:scriptlet ) are disallowed here.

While my files look like:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns="" xmlns:web=""



<%@tag description="Simple Wrapper Tag" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ attribute name="title" required="true" type="java.lang.String"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">


    <jsp:doBody />


<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@taglib prefix="t" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags"%>

    <jsp:attribute name="title">My nice title</jsp:attribute>

    <h1><%="some code generated text"%></h1>

I have tried to modify web.xml to explicitly enable it, like this (not working):


So, how do I use pure scriptlets within my tag'ed JSP?

EDIT #1:

An ideal code would look like this, inside a page that uses my template ('wrapper' as the above):

<%@page import="java.util.Calendar"%>
<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@taglib prefix="t" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags"%>

    <jsp:attribute name="title">My nice title</jsp:attribute>

        final int day_of_week = Calendar.getInstance().get(
        if (day_of_week == Calendar.SATURDAY)
    <h1>Have a nice Saturday (<%=Integer.toString(day_of_week)%>)!</h1>
    <h1>Have a nice rest-of-the-week (<%=Integer.toString(day_of_week)%>)!</h1>

See? Scriptlets between & inside the '' tags. That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve.


  • In this case, the container doesn't care about the value of scripting-invalid in web.xml because its looking at the tag meta-data for jsp:body which has a body-content value of scriptless. So when you see:

    Scripting elements ( %!, jsp:declaration, %=, jsp:expression, %, jsp:scriptlet ) are disallowed here.

    The container is complaining about the contents of jsp:body which must be scriptless. If you want to render scriptlet content in the body, you can set it as a page attribute outside of the jsp:body tag using a scriptlet and then render it using EL inside the body like so:

    <% request.setAttribute("stuff", object); %>