There is column A for check-in date, column B for check-out date for 10 individuals(10 rows of data). Find how many people stayed over 5 days WITHOUT using a helper column.
What I tried (doesn't work)---
=COUNTIF(DATEDIF(A2:A11,B2:B11, "d"), ">5")
This gave me an error. Is there a right way to do it?
If I use a helper column, C = DATEDIF(A2,B2,"d")
, and then do =COUNTIF(C2:C11, ">5")
it works
But how do I get the answer without the helper column?
You may try something like this, COUNTIF()
Function works with a range, while SUMPRODUCT()
Function with arrays, so its best to use the latter one,
With helper showing that it gives the same output,
• Formula used in cell C2
And Fill Down!
• Formula used in cell D2
doesn't accept array constants (as far as I know).
• Formula used in cell A17
You can also create a COUNTIF()
type formula like this (the combination CTRL
• Formula used in cell A15
Note: The use of double negative --> "double unary" which coerces TRUE or FALSE values to their numeric equivalents, 1 and 0. It's used in formulas where numbers are needed for a particular math operation.