I am working on my first Vue project. I'm used to React and vanilla js, but just getting my head around a few concepts in Vue here.
In particular, importing state and action props from a Pinia store, and seemingly having to import those multiple times in a single Vue component (something I don't need to do in React).
In this example, I am importing a simple count value, and an increment function, and trying to use these in a few different places:
<script setup>
// I import everything initially in setup, which works fine,
// and these props (currentCount and incrementCount)
// can be used in my template:
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
import { useStore } from '@/stores/store';
const { currentCount } = storeToRefs(useStore());
const { incrementCount } = useStore();
Current count: {{ currentCount }}
<button @click="incrementCount">Increment</button>
// I can't use store values from setup here.
// This doesn't work:
// console.log(currentCount);
// I also can't import store values here.
// I get the following error:
// "getActivePinia was called with no active Pinia"
// const { currentCount } = storeToRefs(useStore());
export default {
mounted() {
// I have to import store values here for them to work:
const { currentCount } = storeToRefs(useStore());
watch: {
// weirdly, this reference to watching "currentCount" works:
currentCount() {
// I also have to import store values here for them to work:
const { currentCount } = storeToRefs(useStore());
As you can see, if I want to use store values in my template, on mount, and in a watcher (whereby I'd use React's useEffect hook) I am having to import the store props 3 times in total.
Is this correct / normal? Is there a simpler way to achieve what I'm doing, where I only import props once? I want to be sure I haven't missed something and am not doing something in an unusual way.
Thanks for any help and advice!
Pinia was designed with Composition API in mind.
So its intended usage is inside setup()
function, where you'd only import it once.
To use it outside of a setup()
function, you have two main routes:
and it becomes available in any hook/method/getter. Either as this.store
or spread:import { useStore } from '@/store'
import { toRefs } from 'vue'
// or from '@vue/composition-api' in Vue2
export default {
setup: () => ({ ...toRefs(useStore()) })
/* this makes every state prop, getter or action directly available
on current component instance. In your case, `this.currentCount`.
Obviously, you can also make the entire store available as `this.someStore`:
setup: () => ({ someStore: useSomeStore() })
// now you can use `this.someStore` anywhere
instance (returned by createPinia()
), from main.(js|ts)
, import it where you need the store and then call useStore()
passing the pinia instance as an argument.import { pinia } from 'main.js'
import { useSomeStore } from '@/store'
const someStore = useSomeStore(pinia);
I should probably also mention the mapState
helper provided by pinia
. It allows you to select only a few of the keys exposed to current instance. Example:
import { mapState } from 'pinia'
// ...
computed: {
...mapState(useSomeStore, [ 'currentCount'])
// Now `this.currentCount` is available
Note: mapState
is weirdly named, as it allows you to access more than just state
props (also getters
and actions
). It was named mapState
to match the similar helper from vuex
An even more general approach is to add your store as global, using the plugin registration API in Vue2:
import { useSomeStore } from '@/store';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
const pinia = createPinia();
const someStorePlugin = {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.someStore = useSomeStore(options.pinia)
Vue.use(someStorePlugin, { pinia });
new Vue({ pinia });
After this, every single component of your Vue instance will have this.someStore
available on it, without you needing to import it.
Note: I haven't tested adding a store in globals (and I definitely advise against it - you should avoid globals), but i expect it to work.