The JavaScript below works great in Internet Explorer, but doesnt work in FireFox.
It gets hung up at "NewField is undefined" which would be the line:
for (var i=0;i<NewField.length;i++)
That is the loop that will rename the form fields on that table row.
Here is where you can see the entire page
function CloneRows(TableRowId)
var NumRows = document.forms["TestForm"].NumRows.value;
document.forms["TestForm"].NumRows.value = NumRows;
var RowToClone = document.getElementById(TableRowId);
var NewTableRow = RowToClone.cloneNode(true); = TableRowId + NumRows ; = "table-row";
var NewField = NewTableRow.all;
for (var i=0;i<NewField.length;i++)
var theName = NewField[i].name;
if (theName)
NewField[i].name = theName + NumRows;
var insertHere = document.getElementById(TableRowId);
does generally not exist, only document.all
, but it isn't even standard. Internet Explorer has some custom properties but you should not rely on them. You probably want .children
var NewField = NewTableRow.children;
or .cells
var NewField = NewTableRow.cells;