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how to read data column headers and data of each cell in Excel Using c#

I have an excel sheet similar to :

excel screenshot

I want to read data columns header:All,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5

and get all cell data.for example cell in Row = 2 and column 2 = 0

I currently write this code :

OleDbDataAdapter dbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT top 5 * FROM " + excelSheets[j], connString);
DataTable fooData = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow row in fooData.Rows)

but it return just a data table with 1 column and just row 1..5 text.

How I can do this?

Please say answer without using Linq to Excel Provider and Open Xml.

Edit 1:

string file_name = "C:\\Book1.xlsx";
        string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + file_name + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\"";
        objConn = new OleDbConnection(connString);
        dt = objConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

        if (dt == null)
            Response.Write("Not Exist");

        String[] excelSheets = new String[dt.Rows.Count];
        int i = 0;

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            excelSheets[i] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

        // Loop through all of the sheets if you want too...
        for (int j = 0; j < excelSheets.Length; j++)
            OleDbDataAdapter dbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT top 100 * FROM " + excelSheets[j], connString);
            DataTable fooData = new DataTable();
            foreach (DataRow row in fooData.Rows)



  • You get the column name for the first column for example by fooData.Columns[0].ColumnName - see


    Change the SELECT to SELECT * FROM AND use Fill (0, 5, new DataTable[] { fooData }).