I have the following code from a project:
setTweetLibrary((curr) => {
if (!curr[0] || (curr[0] && curr[0].id !== saved_tweets[0].id)) {
return saved_tweets;
} else {
console.log("not update");
return curr;
I would like to convert this to a ternary operator with a question mark ("?") to make it neater, but I can't figure out how. Can anyone advise? Thank you!
I think I'm just really confused on how the syntax of ternary operators with multiple conditions and values
As ternary it would look like this:
setTweetLibrary((curr) => {
return !curr[0] || (curr[0] && curr[0].id !== saved_tweets[0].id)
? saved_tweets
: curr;
Note that there is no more place for console.logs. But they seem to be debug anyway.