JQuery has great support for custom events - .bind("foo", function(e)...
. However what if the mechanic of triggering the event is not ready yet and has to be constructed only on those elements that have the event bound on?
For example I want a scrollin
event that gets fired when an element is scrolled into a viewport. To do this, I would onscroll
have to check all the elements and trigger
on those that were outside the viewport and now are inside. This is not acceptable.
There are some tricks to speed it up. For example one of the plugins for this checks all the elements in "private" $.cache
and does the checking only on those that have scrollin
event bound.
But that's also ugly. What I need is an additional callback for the binding of the event (additional to the callback for handling) that would take care of the scroll management, that is to put the element(s) into some elementsCheckOnScrol
cache array.
I'm looking for something like:
$.delegateBind("scrollin", function(jqSelection) { ... });
element.bind("scrollin", function(e) {..}); //Calls ^ after internal bind management
Edit: This would be nice api!
$.bind("bind", function(onWhat) { ... })
I found an $.event.special
API, but I don't know "how much" public it is. It is not in the docs and has been changed at least once before. http://benalman.com/news/2010/03/jquery-special-events/