I am really struggling to find where this border color is defined. I have inspected the dom but see no border style in any of the input component nor its pseudo elements...
I simply want to lighten the color of the input border to match my theme disabled color.
Here is the code I used and the render.
endAdornment={<InputAdornment position="end">{ctx.user.currency.short}</InputAdornment>}
inputProps={{ style: { paddingBottom: 4, } }}
style={{ fontWeight: 700, fontSize: 18 }}
I have tried using <TextField />
but it has the same problem. Could you help me please ?
I have done this by using the theme palatte. I am using mui 5.5.0
import {createTheme} from "@mui/material";
const theme = createTheme({
palette: {
action: {
disabled: 'your color here e.g #000000',
By doing this, every disabled field through out the app will have the color defined in the palatte. And if you want to do this for a single/specific input field or you want to override this palatte disabled defined color. you can do it by following:
"& .MuiInputBase-root.Mui-disabled": {
"& > fieldset": {
borderColor: "your color here e.g #8cffcb"