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Resilience4j How to route to fallback method then return back to original method after specific amount of time

I am working with resilience4j and spring boot,

I need to accomplish the below scenario,

  • When I have a failure in the originalMethod
  • After 5 attempts route to the fallback method
  • After a specific time like 5 minutes return back to the originalMethod

I tried with retry as below but does not fit the problem ,

     @Retry(name = "retryService", fallbackMethod = "fallback")
    public String originalMethod(String data) throws InterruptedException {
        //..... call external service 

public String fallback(String data, Throwable t) {
        logger.error("Inside retryfallback, cause – {}", t.toString());
        return "Inside retryfallback method. Some error occurred ";

Added properties

      maxRetryAttempts: 5
      waitDuration: 50000


  • I think you can use a circuit breaker for sometime when a failure limit reached to achieve the behavior you want.

    By adding @CircuitBreaker(...) annotation and specifying the failureRateThreshold, waitDurationInOpenState and the other needed config properties for that instance.