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Adding an opacity slider to an Openlayers map

It is straightforward to add an opacity slider for a raster layer using this line of code:

layer.setOpacity(this.value) to lyr_MyMapImage.setOpacity(this.value)

But this is untidy as the slider is located above the map.

How can I insert a slider (horizontal or vertical) onto the map to control the opacity of the layer so that it looks similar to the other map controls? Is there a plugin?



  • In my jsfiddle I position the slider inside a proper openlayers custom control:

    const sliderita = document.createElement('div');
    sliderita.className = 'ol-control ol-unselectable slider';
    sliderita.innerHTML = '<div id="sliderOSM"> <div id="custom-handle" class="ui-slider-handle"></div></div>';
    map.addControl(new ol.control.Control({element: sliderita}));