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Is there any special syntax for shell to editor for erlang?

I am new to erlang, I have been learning to code on console/command prompt. Now I have to do the below code on editor. I need the sum of given numbers (a list [1,2,3]) with foldl/3 function.

lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end,0,[1,2,3]). 
function1(L) ->
   L = [1,2,3],   
   lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, L).

Pardon me for the wrong format, Please let me know the correct way to do the same thing on the editor.

Thanks in advance


  • I have been learning to code on console/command prompt.

    That's not very smart, but if you like the tedium of typing stuff into the shell, have at it. If you type your code in a file, using an erlang code editor that automatically does the indenting, then compile your file, you can easily edit the file to make changes, then recompile.

    Now I have to do the below code on editor.

       function1(L) ->
           L = [1,2,3],   
           lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, L).

    First, there's an obvious error in that code, namely you can only assign to a variable once. If you call that function with one argument, then the parameter variable L will be assigned the argument. Yet, on the very next line, the code tries to assign to L again. Error!

    Second, you can't define a named function in the shell, however you can do almost the same thing: create an anonymous function and assign it to a variable. Here's an example:

    1> F1 = fun(Data) ->                                    
    1> lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, Data)     
    1> end.
    2> F1([1, 2, 3]).                                  


    After rereading your post, it sounds like you want to convert this line in the console:

    lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end,0,[1,2,3])

    into a function defined in a file. The function should take one argument, where the argument is a list of numbers that should be summed up using lists:foldl/3. Is that correct? If so, here's an example:

    1. Put this code in a file named a.erl in some directory:

       f1(List) ->
              fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end,

      Note that the module name and the file name have to match.

    2. In a terminal window, switch directories to the directory containing that file, e.g.

        $ cd erlang_programs
    3. Then do this:

       ~/erlang_programs$ erl
        Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.0.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] 
        [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]
        Eshell V12.0.2  (abort with ^G)
        1> c(a).   <--Compiles the file named a.erl in the current directory.
        {ok,a}     <--- Or, you may get a listing of errors which must be corrected to compile the file.
        2> a:f1([1, 2, 3]).   
        3> a:f1([10, 20, 30]).

      You have to call the function using the syntax module:function.