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How to getComputedStyle of sub-element of div?

Sorry in advance for the ESL choice of words. What I'm trying to get is the getComputedStyle of an h3 that's adjacent (?) or related (?) to a div which has a specific class (mainBook), while the h3 hasn't got any.

Here's an example of the CSS:

     position: absolute;
.mainBook h3
     line-height: 120px;

I know how to getComputedStyle of mainBook:

const element = document.querySelector('.mainBook');
const style = getComputedStyle(element);
// and then if I want: style.getPropertyValue("nameOfProperty")

Here's the HTML:

<div class="mainBook">

Not sure if this helps but:

const element = document.querySelector('.mainBook');
    const style = getComputedStyle(element);
    // and then if I want: style.getPropertyValue("line-height");
    // How do I getComputedStyle the h3?
         position: absolute;
    .mainBook h3
         line-height: 120px;
<div class="mainBook">

But is there any way to do the same but for h3?



  • 1) You can get h3 element as

    const element = document.querySelector('.mainBook h3');

    and get its lineHeight from computedStyle as:

    const style = getComputedStyle(element);
    let lineHeight = style.lineHeight.

    const element = document.querySelector('.mainBook h3');
    const style = getComputedStyle(element);
    .mainBook {
      position: absolute;
    .mainBook h3 {
      line-height: 120px;
    <div class="mainBook">

    2) You can also get h3 element from mainBook element as:

    const mainBookEl = document.querySelector('.mainBook');
    const headingEl = mainBookEl.querySelector('h3')
    const style = getComputedStyle(headingEl);
    const lineHeight = style.lineHeight;

    const mainBookEl = document.querySelector('.mainBook');
    const headingEl = mainBookEl.querySelector('h3')
    const style = getComputedStyle(headingEl);
    .mainBook {
      position: absolute;
    .mainBook h3 {
      line-height: 120px;
    <div class="mainBook">