Store Entity
data class Store(
val storeId: Int,
val name: String,
val storeRank:Int
Product Entity
data class Product(
val productId: Int,
val name: String
Reference Entity
data class Reff(
val storeId: Int,
val productId: Int,
val productRankInStore:Int
data class StoreAndProduct(
val store: Store,
entity = Product::class,
parentColumn = "storeId",
entityColumn = "productId",
associateBy = Junction(
parentColumn = "storeId",
entityColumn = "productId",
value = Reff::class
val product: List<Product>
Here I need to sort Products using the key productRankInStore. I have already implemented the relation and which is working fine. But I couldn't find any other way to sort the products using productRankInStore
NB: Same product have different rank in different store ( productRankInStore )
If you have an abstract class rather than an interface for the @Dao annotated class(es) then you could effectively override how Room handles @Relation using a function that does the 2 stages, with the latter sorted accordingly.
You do this by having 2 @Query 's :-
You then combine them into a function e.g. :-
abstract class AllDAO {
@Query("SELECT * FROM store")
abstract fun getAllStores(): List<Store>
@Query("SELECT product.* FROM reff JOIN product ON product.productId = reff.productId WHERE reff.storeId=:storeId ORDER BY productRankInStore DESC")
abstract fun getStoreProductsSortedByRank(storeId: Int): List<Product>
fun getStoreAndProductsSortedByProductRank(): List<StoreAndProduct> {
val rv = arrayListOf<StoreAndProduct>()
for (store in getAllStores() /* obviously change initial query if desired */) {
return rv
You can then use:-
e.g. if you have data as :-
and Rank 1 is the top then the following
for(s in dao.getStoreAndProductsSortedByProductRank()) {
Log.d("DBINFO","Store is ${}")
for (p in s.product) {
Log.d("DBINFO","\tProduct is ${}")
will output :-
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Store is Store1
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductA
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductB
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductC
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Store is Store2
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductC
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductA
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductB
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Store is Store3
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductC
2022-03-26 06:43:15.753 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductB
2022-03-26 06:43:15.754 D/DBINFO: Product is ProductA
NOTE the rankInStore will not be available (as per your StoreAndProduct).