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Automating Permissions for Databricks SQL Tables or Views

Trying to automate the setup of Databricks SQL.

I have done it from the UI and it works, so this is a natural next step.

The one thing I am unsure about is how to automate granting of the access to SQL tables and/or views using REST. I am trying to avoid a Notebooks job.

I have seen this microsoft documentation and downloaded the specification but when I opened it with Postman, I see permissions/objectType/Object id, but the only sample I have seen there is for "queries". It just seems to be applicable for Queries and Dashboards. Can't this be done for Tables and views? There is no further documentation that I could see.

So, basically how to do something like grant select on tablename to group using REST api without using a Notebook job. I am interested to see if I can just call a REST endpoint from our release pipeline (Azure DevOps)


  • As of right now, there is no REST API for setting Table ACLs. But it's available as part of the Unity Catalog that is right now in the public preview.

    If you can't use Unity Catalog yet, then you still have a possibility to automate assignment of Table ACLs by using databricks_sql_permissions resource of Databricks Terraform Provider - it sets permissions by executing SQL commands on a cluster, but this is hidden from administrator.