I am in need of your help in this problem:
I want to store a 2 byte number in a char array I have tried the below 2 logics but both have failed
char buff[10];
char* ptr = buff;
/* I want to store a 2 byte value say 750 Method 1 */
short a = 750; *(++ptr)=a; //Did not work got these values in first 2 bytes in buffer: 0xffffffc8 0xffffffef
/* Method 2 */
short *a=750; memcpy(++ptr,a,2) // Got segmentation fault
I know I can do this by dividing by 256 but I want to use a simpler method
The easiest way is simply:
uint16_t u16 = 12345;
memcpy(&buff[i], &u16, 2);
will place the data according to your CPU endianess.
Alternatively you can bit shift, but since bit shifts themselves are endianess-independent, you need to manually pick the correct indices for buff
according to endianess.
Memory layout like Little Endian:
buff[i] = u16 & 0xFFu;
buff[i+1] = (u16 >> 8) & 0xFFu;
Memory layout like Big Endian:
buff[i] = (u16 >> 8) & 0xFFu;
buff[i+1] = u16 & 0xFFu;