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Add proxy element to applicationHost.config in system.webServer section via Powershell

I am trying to add <proxy enabled="true" /> element under system.webServer section.

Add-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter '/system.webServer/proxy' -Name . -Value @{ enabled="true" }

Above command does nothing.

Add-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter '/system.webServer' -Name 'proxy' -Value @{ enabled="true" }

Above command throws error: Property proxy is not found on system.webServer

Add-WebConfiguration -Filter '/system.webServer/proxy' -Value @{ enabled="true" }

Also does nothing.

Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter '/system.webServer/proxy' -Name 'enabled' -Value 'true'

Shows warning: Target configuration object '/system.webServer/proxy is not found at path 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'.

I find these commands very counterintuitive. What is the right way to add new element?


I was testing these commands on Windows 2019 Core with default IIS 10.0

I have Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS 8.5

I can setup proxy on Win2012 with command appcmd set config -section:system.webServer/proxy /enabled:"true" /commit:apphost, but the same command doesn't work on Win2019. It shows error Unknown config section "system.webServer/proxy". So, this setting may be not valid for IIS 10.0


  • First you need to make sure ARR has install like Lex Li said.

    Then try this powershell command, it can work well in my server 2019.

    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'  -filter "system.webServer/proxy" -name "enabled" -value "True"

    enter image description here