I am attempting to save our Cloudwatch logs in an on-premise Postgres database. I'm currently exporting logs to S3 and save in DynamoDB. My requirement now is to persist it in our DB, using node and AWS js-SDK. I'm not very strong on node and js-SDK, so I'll greatly appreciate any idea.
I tried a simple implementation.
const pools = require('../src/common/db'),
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
// set the cwl
let cwl = new AWS.CloudWatchLogs({
region: 'us-east-1',
accessKeyId: 'ABCD1234',
secretAccessKey: 'MNBV76543',
Bucket: 'My_bucket'
// Get the events
logGroupName: 'OurLogGroupname',
logStreamName: 'specifiedLogstream'
}, (error, success ) =>{
// Try saving to db
let sql = ''
pools.query_db('abc', 'INSERT INTO logging.aws_logs(request_id, duration, billed_duration) VALUES (?,?,?)', function(err, res){
if(err) return callback(err);
I would prefer the following way, if you really want to store all messages from Cloudwatch into a database:
Add a subscription to your Cloudwatch LogGroup
This subscription can be configured to trigger a Lambda
The Lambda will have the following logic:
One good example on how to extract the message of a Cloudwatch Subscription invocation would the one for sending those logs to Opensearch (search the blueprints)