Trying to use this converter But the problem is that I have a Borland Paradox 5 database, which has 745 files and 176 DBS, and I exceed query length limits running this java applet.
I tried using a batch-file;
java -jar "%~dp0\client-0.0.5.jar" convert --output-format=mysql "%~dp0ABALANS.DB" "%~dp0ABALANS.PX" "%~dp0ABALANS.YG0" "%~dp0ABALANS.XG0" ... Output/
but all exceed query limits.
So my questions is:
from a homemade program in C/C++. You can then have 32768 chars for your command line, but nothing guarantee you that java.exe
can accept it.for
command within your batch.Normally, something like this should work: it would convert each file one at a time, but it will process all files automatically.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd %~dp0
REM Parse all files in same folder as the batch.
for %%I in (*.*) do (
call :process_file "%%~dpnxI"
goto :eof
REM Convert ONE database file.
REM Add as many NON convertible extensions as needed.
if /i %~x1==.bat goto :ignored
if /i %~x1==.jar goto :ignored
REM Effective conversion.
echo Converting file: %~1
java -jar "%~dp0client-0.0.5.jar" convert --output-format=mysql "%~dpnx1" Output/
goto :eof
echo Ignoring file: %~1
goto :eof