I've got the following lines of code:
this.carInformation.subModel = [this.submodel.value];
this.store.dispatch(saveCriteria({ criteria: this.carInformation }));
When my app re-runs these two lines, I get the following error on the first line:
Cannot assign to read only property 'subModel' of object '[object Object]'
Why is carInformation suddenly read only?
I did notice using the following line of code that the writable property of my object is now false:
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.carInformation, 'subModel');
I managed to fix this by moving the dispatch elsewhere, but I would've figured that I could re-edit my object and re-dispatch it?
The reference of this.submodel.value
is dispatched to the store.
Because the store has immutable runtime checks, that reference is "locked" and throws if it's changed.