I have a Spring Boot application that provides Open API specification by /api/open-api/v3
path. The idea is that I request the Open API JSON during test running and then write its content to the file in build
folder. So, I could parse it later and generate documentation. I tried to do it like this:
Files.writeString(Path.of("src", "test", "resources", "open-api.json"), res.getBody());
It did write the the file to the src/test/resources
folder but in the source code module itself. Not the result build
folder. Is it possible to overcome this issue?
@DisplayName("Create a file on the build diretory")
void createFileOnBuildDir() throws IOException {
final URL buildRoot = getClass().getResource("/");
final Path jsonFile = Path.of(buildRoot.getPath(), "open-api.json");
Files.writeString(jsonFile, "{\"value\": 123}");
$ cat /home/myuser/projects/testproject/build/classes/java/test/open-api.json
{"value": 123}
But, I guess the best answer for your need is https://github.com/Swagger2Markup/spring-swagger2markup-demo project's https://github.com/Swagger2Markup/spring-swagger2markup-demo/blob/master/src/test/java/io/github/robwin/swagger2markup/petstore/Swagger2MarkupTest.java