I'm trying to create an obfuscated fat jar for my tool. After trying proguard, I found yGuard for the same purpose.
The following is the steps for obfuscation
Step 1: Create fat jar with maven shaded plugin
Step 2: The fat jar created in step 1 shall be used by yGuard ant task.
I need to obfuscate the custom packages only, since obfuscating external jars like batik library gives errors. Eg:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: An error ('No mapping found for: Field org/apache/batik/bridge/SVGPathElementBridge.ctx') occured during the remapping! See the log!)
at com.yworks.yguard.obf.GuardDB.remapTo(GuardDB.java:547)
at com.yworks.yguard.ObfuscatorTask.execute(ObfuscatorTask.java:1064)
Based on the ygurd documentation I have modified the ant task to include only the custom packages. But this is not happening, yGuard not considering this configuration. The following is the current ant task configuration.
<target name="yguard" depends="jar">
<taskdef name="yguard" classname="com.yworks.yguard.YGuardTask" classpath="${projectDir}/lib/yguard-${version}.jar" />
<inoutpair in="${jar}" out="${obfjar}" />
<shrink logfile="${shrinklog}">
<!-- main method -->
<method name="void main(java.lang.String[])" class="${mainclass}" />
<rename mainclass="${mainclass}" logfile="${renamelog}">
<property name="error-checking" value="pedantic" />
<!-- Custom library - should be obfuscated -->
<include name="com.acme.**.*" />
<!-- Excluded library -->
<exclude name="org.apache.**.*" />
<exclude name="javx.**.*" />
Any pointers to solve this issue highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
The <rename>
element's <keep>
child works exactly the opposite way: If you <include>
a class in <keep>
, this class is not renamed. I.e. <include>
means "include in the set of classes whose names are not changed".
Since you want to prevent Batik stuff from being renamed, your configuration should be
<include name="org.apache.**.*"/>
<include name="javax.**.*"/>
You do not need <exclude>
for your use case. <exclude>
is only necessary, if you want to rename a subset of the classes that should not be renamed.