so I have an input field that accepts any input the user types and I've already made it look like it has auto capitalization of first letter using CSS styles: textTransform: capitalize
but when I assign a useState variable to the input field, the value isn't properly capitalize as shown on the input field. I want the useState variable's value to have proper capitalization as shown in the input field.
Here's my simple code:
import {useState} from "react"
import "./styles.css";
import {Input} from "antd";
export default function App() {
const [text, setText] = useState("")
return (
<div className="App">
<Input placeHolder="Type Something" style={{textTransform:"capitalize"}} onChange={(e)=>{setText(}}/>
value = {text}
Also here's a codesandbox link for better visualization
You need to change the value of the input when passing it to the state:
onChange={(e) => {
setText( +;