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oracle sequence with entity framework core throws ORA-02287

I've got an ASP .net 6 project with EF core. I need a sequenced value outside of tables, keys, etc. So I'm doing this:

public class GenericInt { public int IntValue { get; set; } }
public DbSet<GenericInt> GenericInts { get; set; }
var qresult = await ctx.GenericInts.FromSqlRaw("select MYSCHEMA.MY_SEQ.NEXTVAL from dual").FirstOrDefaultAsync();

This throws:

Message=ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here
Source=Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver

Why? How to repair this?


  • Panagiotis Kanavos gave the key point:

    FirstOrDefault constructs a subquery.

    (And sequence cannot be used in subqueries, it's a known limitation.)

    There was another problem with my original EF call, so the working lines are:

    var qresult = await ctx.GenericInts.FromSqlRaw("select MYSCHEMA.MY_SEQ.NEXTVAL as intval from dual").ToListAsync();
    int seqValue = qresult[0].IntValue;

    (The advice of mis-using EF may also be considered.)