Search code examples

Count rows that only have date values and are all are greater than current date

I have an Excel table with dates and other values. I need to find the rows that only have dates and where the dates are older than the current date.

Let's say the current date is 23.03.2022, all dates in that row need to be older and there needs to be dates only in the row.

I need to find how many rows there are and put that number into a certain cell.

Example chart
enter image description here

The output should be one row with dates older than the current date because the other rows either have at least one future date, at least one empty cell or cells that contain something other than a date.

I tried Excel functions and I also tried to make separate charts es sub steps for the functions.


  • Count Date Rows UDF

    • Counts the number of rows of a range where all cells contain a date earlier than a given date.

    • If no given date, today's date is used.

    • If a cell in a row contains anything that is not a date, it is 'disqualified'.

    • In Excel use (according to the posted image)

      =CountDateRows(Sheet2!B2:D4,A1) ' A1 contains a date

    The Code in a Standard Module, e.g. Module1

    Option Explicit
    Function CountDateRows( _
        ByVal rg As Range, _
        Optional ByVal InitialDate As Variant) _
    As Long
        If IsMissing(InitialDate) Then InitialDate = Date
        Dim rCount As Long: rCount = rg.Rows.Count
        Dim cCount As Long: cCount = rg.Columns.Count
        Dim Data As Variant
        If rCount + cCount = 2 Then
            ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1).Value = rg.Value
            Data = rg.Value
        End If
        Dim cValue As Variant
        Dim r As Long
        Dim c As Long
        Dim fCount As Long ' Number of Found Rows
        Dim IsOk As Boolean
        For r = 1 To rCount
            For c = 1 To cCount
                cValue = Data(r, c)
                If IsDate(cValue) Then
                    If cValue < InitialDate Then IsOk = True
                End If
                If IsOk Then IsOk = False Else Exit For
            Next c
            If c > cCount Then fCount = fCount + 1
        Next r
        CountDateRows = fCount
    End Function