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Export source code from Power Automate Desktop

I have created some flow using "Power Automate Desktop". Is there anyway I can see the action from this application or download the code. So that I can create an application then share it with other people.


  • You're unable to share within your organisation without a licence (trial or paid) in PowerAutomate. You at least need to trigger a trial licence to have that feature.

    See the text in orange ...

    PAD Licence

    If you want to download the source, you can literally select all actions within your flow, hit Ctrl + C and then paste the result to a text editor (i.e. like Notepad), save the file and pass it on to another user.

    The receiving user can then copy the steps from the text editor and paste them directly into their flow. The steps will translate.

    The annoying part comes if you have a lot of sub flows they'll have to be extracted and saved in a text file one by one and then recreated one by one.