My flow gives me a 401 error:
The user is not authorized to access this resource.
Do you have an idea about the problem?
I am currently trying to add an administrator group and a contributor group to the project that I created via the flow via an automaton flow. To do this I retrieve the id of my project, then the id of my group via:
-> GET{organization}/_apis/graph/groups/{groupDescriptor}?api-version =6.0-preview.1
with the groupDescriptor filled, then I take the origin id to then make this request to add a group:
-> PATCH{organization}/_apis/groupentitlements/{groupId}?api- version=7.1-preview.1 with this request body:
"from": "",
"op": "add",
"path": "/projectEntitlements",
"value": {
"projectRef": {
"id": ""
"group": {
"groupType": "ProjectContributor"
The Group Entitlements
rest api is used to manage Group Licensing Rules, not a common group from your 1st rest api.
To add the group as project administrator or contributor, you can use rest api Memberships - Add.
is the target descriptor from your 1st rest api.
is the Contributor or Administrator group in the project.