I'm trying to send a token [USDT] from one wallet to another. But I think I'm having some trouble understanding the concept of Associated Token Account [ATA]
According to my understanding:
1 - Every wallet account that wants to keep, receive or send tokens, must register in the account for these tokens in the network?
2 - The sending person can register the account of the receiving person
3- Are these concepts correct?
All of the above are done by the following instructions =>
4 - Once the recipient's wallet address is registered, can send the tokens to him via instructions =>
Account ownerAccount = wallet.Account;
PublicKey UsdtAddress = new PublicKey("Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB");
PublicKey ToAddress = new PublicKey("CDQ3Gya9QermsPzU3cTNW9QPLbMVLbALQ2S8AwbruVJ");
var Transaction = new TransactionBuilder().
ownerAccount, // Sender Account [Wallet Owner] ?
UsdtAddress, // Tether Address On-Chain ?
ToAddress)). // The Recipient Wallet Address ?
Build(new List<Account> { ownerAccount });
var txReq = await rpcClient.SendTransactionAsync(Transaction);
I'm so sorry for the long wait, but after a lot of attempts, all of them were unsuccessful, I really think I need someone to explain how sending tokens works.
After a long struggle I was able to reach some results, I will leave this comment as a solution to the problem and an understanding of how things work, and if it contains some errors, please do not hesitate to leave an explanation and a correction for this
Let's agree on some concepts first:
1- Wallet account is a normal account, owned by the system Program and called [account owner]
2- The person who owns the private key is known as the authority
3 - Each token has an account on the chain, has its own owner and authority
what is happening now ?
If you want to own some of these tokens for the first time, you must create an account known as Associated Token Account
Associated Token Account: It is simply an account within the network that associates each wallet with a special and unique address of a token!! Is this clear??
Your wallet number => Associated Token Account <= token account number
G1G2G3G4 => A1T2A3T4 <= USDTADDRESS243
Its job is to save and store data for a specific wallet address with a specific token address, such as quantity, balance and many other features that I have not seen yet
The first time you will send these tokens to an account that does not contain [ATA], you will build instructions to create [ATA] for this account, and attach instructions directly to send the tokens with the same transaction, this structure worked for me,
Finally: It is possible to know the Associated Token Account for a wallet simply, because we will need to send the tokens with the Associated Tokens and not the addresses of the main wallets
Here is the code to create a Associated Token Account and send some USDT to the address:
PublicKey UsdtAddress = new PublicKey("Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB");
//The [ATA] for my public address in the USDT token account = Sender
Account ownerAccount = wallet.Account;
var FromAssociatedTokenAccount=AssociatedTokenAccountProgram.DeriveAssociatedTokenAccount(ownerAccount,UsdtAddress);
//The [ATA] for Receiver public address in the USDT token account = Sender = Receiver
PublicKey ToAddress = new PublicKey("DqiE6PDXPFMMDC2jzoqY45VEqyEzdGd5qauVCQY8s3A7");
var ToAssociatedTokenAccount = AssociatedTokenAccountProgram.DeriveAssociatedTokenAccount(ToAddress, UsdtAddress);
//Note that a ToAssociatedTokenAccount can be defined, with the possibility that it is not registered/created on-Chain
var blockHash = await rpcClient.GetRecentBlockHashAsync();
var Transaction = new TransactionBuilder().
Build(new List<Account> { ownerAccount });
var txReq = await rpcClient.SendTransactionAsync(Transaction);
So finally, please bring a cup of coffee and read this article, I think it is good to clarify some concepts about the Solana Blockchain : https://www.brianfriel.xyz/how-to-create-a-token-on-solana/