I'm trying to do a text adventure game using basic JS. Basically, a user will have 2 options, and the prompt box should print out corresponding messages based on choices the user make.
I'm guessing that what missing is an event listener--but I'm not sure how to go about implementing that.
let message = prompt("Hi this is an adventure. Select your input as A or B. In front of you there is a sign. Pick A. Forest B. Lake")
if (A) {
prompt("you see the bushes ahead of you rustling.You-- A.proceed ahead B.turn back and run")
else if (B) {
prompt("you see the water bubbling. You--A. walk up B.--flee")
You need to compare if (message.toUpperCase() === "A") {
to allow user to type a or A
You will also have a lot less code if you use an object and a form
const advent = {
"Start": {
"text": "Hi this is an adventure. Click the buttons to make your choice. In front of you there is a sign. You go direction",
"a": "Forest",
"b": "Lake"
"Forest": {
"text": "you see the bushes ahead of you rustling. You --",
"a": "proceed ahead",
"b": "turn back and run"
"Lake": {
"text": "you see the water bubbling. You--",
"a": "walk up",
"b": "flee"
"walk up": {
"text": "You drown; The end"
"flee": {
"text": "You fall in a hole and die; The end"
let currentPath = advent["Start"]
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
const text = document.getElementById("text");
const A = document.getElementById("a");
const B = document.getElementById("b");
const show = () => {
text.innerHTML = currentPath.text; console.log(currentPath.a)
if(currentPath.a) A.value = currentPath.a
if(currentPath.b) B.value = currentPath.b
const form = document.getElementById("myForm").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
const tgt = e.target;
currentPath = advent[currentPath[tgt.id]]
document.getElementById("choices").hidden = (!currentPath.a && !currentPath.b); // hide if no choices
show(); // start
<form id="myForm">
<div id="text"></div>
<div id="choices"><input type="button" id="a" value="A"> <input type="button" id="b" value="B"></div>